Next CAS Meeting
March 5, 2025
McCormick Observatory at 7 PM
The Jupiter System
An Exploration History of the King of Planets and its minions
Daniel Limonadi (NASA-JPL)
Abstract: This talk will cover some key things we know about Jupiter and its environs, and how we gained this knowledge: starting from before the first telescope observations were made by Galileo, to the most recent insights from space missions and ground based telescopes as well as potentially relevant things we have learned about life. We will also explore some snippets of the human stories behind key
milestones, and discuss the implications of our current knowledge for our understanding of our solar system and beyond.
CV: Mr. Limonadi is the chief system engineer for the Earth Science and Technology Directorate at JPL, where he is responsible for supporting activities ranging from technology and new process development, flight project formulation and implementation, through providing advice on strategic direction. He has been at JPL since 1999 and has held system engineering leadership positions on several Earth science flight project and research and development tasks, the Curiosity Rover project, and the Mars Exploration Rover project. Before coming to JPL, Daniel worked at Hughes Space and Communications on the development of the HS-702 spacecraft product line. He received his B.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles, and enjoys taking continuing education classes in engineering and Earth system science. He has received two NASA Exceptional Achievement medals. He is a lifelong space geek, and has a passion for solving civilization scale problems as well as STEM outreach.